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★일상 잡담 시사★

Big BUSH died and he forgive about cannibalism of japanese armys at ww2

Yesterday news is  very surprised news.

BIG- BUSH died and  forgived some  

that   his life  had been taken angry of cannibalism 

about  army of japan at ww2.

AT WW2, japanese armys had eated  followers of Bush who was pilots.

Big bush sawed the scence~! that is cannibalism of 

old civlilization of japanese~!

BUSH  followers took down because anti air guns..

then many  armys of japanese   arrested pilot ~! then  kill them ~!

then  japanese captain order dinner meats  of  died pilots ~!

they had many  food  in storage of food. but they  eated  meat of the human

and other accidents of japaneese armys  had many  same issue..

AT ww2 , Japan armys  had eat  girls of 15-20 age , they had deny  sex  

so captain kill her~!

then  all armys and other girl and 

woman  had been eated  meat soup that was young girl~!

the story is fact.

japanese have been taken non-civilization mind~! that is true.

mind  of civilization vs manner is not same